Laugardaginn 30. september kl. 10 - 17 verður dagsnámskeið á vegum Jan Ruben, Henning Klibo, Lars Lindhardt og Martin Binderup en þeir hafa starfað saman innan Guðspekisamtakanna í Danmörku í um 20 ár. Námskeiðið fer fram á ensku. Í auglýsingu segir:
The workshop is based on creating personal tools to be able to build a way into the consciousness of the heart. Contents of the program:
What is really the heart? How do we open the heart? The importance of music for the heart. Symbols that express the multiplicity of the heart. How to nourish the heart. How to develop the heart individually, and in the group. How to create individual heart rituals. The dangers that remove the person from his/her own heart into the darkness of the night.
Verð kr. 3.500.-